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"That virtue that consists in keeping the promise, observing the facts, fulfilling one's obligations exactly. With Fides we want to indicate the belief in those truths that exist even if they cannot be explained ..."


The 10th Spiritist Congress was organized by France in collaboration with the CEI - International Spiritist Council. The theme: Inner change - "The essential objective of the spiritualist philosophy is the improvement of man."   was treated by 35 guests.

The Congress broadcast online for free had thousands of attendees . 


This video has been deleted.

NOSSO LAR 2, The messengers


The film Nosso Lar 2 waited over ten years to start shooting also thanks to piracy . 

Perhaps not everyone knows that the copyrights of the works of Chico Xavier were donated not only to charitable institutions but also for the dissemination of spiritualist postulates. Proceeds from the Nosso Lar book series, for example, were donated to the Brazilian Spiritist Federation so that it could print and disseminate the books wherever possible, as clarifying knowledge promotes moral charity anywhere in the world.


We therefore invite our friends, spiritualist readers and spectators, promoters of spiritual growth, not to encourage the dissemination of the spiritualist work in an illicit and harmful way for the message. We disclose in a way that helps our neighbor.


We work to awaken consciences. A child's message to a mother is a free grant from the spirit world through a medium. The printing of books or the production of a film, on the other hand, are not mediumistic works, but depend on the material work of many and must be respected. Furthermore, their proceeds often turn into benefits and aid for the community. It is a mechanism to be kept active and operating.




Issue 9 of the Revue Spirite has been published, published on the CEI (International Spiritist Council) website in different languages: Portuguese, English, French, Spanish, German, Esperanto andItalian.


Those who like it can download the Revue Spirite in Italian at the link:

Revue 15-24.png



In the preface of The Book of Spirits we find a vine branch, drawn by the Spirits to Allan Kardec   by mediumistic through a medium whose identity has not been revealed . 

The message: Man purifies the Spirit through work and through physical work the Spirit acquires knowledge . 

The branch of the vine in the message to Allan Kardec represents the physical form, that is, the human body. The grape liqueur (the essence, the liquid that contains the flavor) means the Spirit. The berry, that is the grape, the fleshy part that contains the liquor, is the representation of the "soul" (Spirit incarnate).


Italian Spiritist Federation

Promoting and Coordinating Body of the Union of Spiritist Groups in Italy


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