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Copyright: Know, Understand, Disclose!

Protect copyrights and become a partner in spreading Spiritism


Copyright is the set of legal rules that allow the author to protect the integrity of his intellectual work. Thanks to the current legislation governing copyright, a work can be protected from fraud, tampering and other improper uses, such as unauthorized reproduction.


The Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) has been commissioned by various authors to spread the Spiritist Doctrine. This mission also includes the responsibility to ensure the integrity of these works for posterity. FEB works for the availability and expansion of the catalog of spiritualist works, including study, dissemination, unification and assistance.


Faced with such an important issue for society, the FEB has launched the "National Campaign for Copyright: Know, Understand, Disclose!" Join us. Learn more about the topic in this dedicated space, as well as in the media publications of the FEB and collaborating institutions.


Protect copyright and become a partner in spreading Spiritism.

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Italian Spiritist Federation

Promoting and Coordinating Body of the Union of Spiritist Groups in Italy


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