at the triennial of milan
Sunday 19th February 2017
15.30 - 20.00
Viale Alemagna 6
You are invited to the Conference"The joy of living"by Rossandro Klinjey and the demonstration di"Painting in real time"by Florencio Anton
The event was born from a collaboration between l'Association Sentieri dello Spirito, Jazz Cafè in Milan and BoMaki Milan.
The Sentieri dello Spirito Association is n born in Milan twenty years ago, has cultural and humanitarian purposes, does not have_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb58d_ 136scopo5cf voluntarily research psychic and human evolution paths.
Within the of its SOLIDARITY ACTIONS program, since 2002 promotes exhibitions and presentations aimed at maintaining social activities_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136b790_5c5-3194-bb3b-136b790-5 136bad5cf58d_Brazil, in Africa, and in collaboration with different realities of voluntary service in Italy and abroad.
WithBoMaki and Jazz Cafèof Milan organizes a unique meeting of its kind:PAINTING IN REAL TIME(Psychoptography), inspired by the Impressionist painters.
The program includes a conference on happiness given by the psychologist Rossandro Klinjey e a moment of Painting in real time performed byFlorencio Anton. In the room some canvases by the Brazilian painter will be exhibited.
Both Brazilian, will have an interpreter for simultaneous translation. The canvases will be assigned based on the offers of the participants and the proceeds donated to Maria di Nazaré.
Admission, upon online booking, is free. Limited seats.

Corso Sempione, 8 tel. 02 3360 4039

Corso Sempione, 10 tel. 02 3360 3346

Via Niccolò Machiavelli 2 T. 339 2299919

Via Luigi Einaudi 2, Desio

Via Luigi Einaudi 2, Desio
3.15 pm Accoglienza | Show paintings
3.50 pm Closing entrance | Presentation
4.00 pm Conference - The Joy of Living
5.30 pm Pause with refreshments
18.00 Painting in real time
8.00 pm Conclusion

Rossandro Klinjey
Campina Grande, Paraiba
Rossandro Klinjey è psicologo, docente universitario e apprezzato oratore brasiliano. Nell'ambito della serata presenterà il libro "Il tempo di incontrare se stessi" e terrà una conferenza di un'ora circa sulla “Gioia di Vivere”.
Florencio Anton
Salvador, Bahia
Florencio Anton è Infermiere specializzato in Terapie Palliative e Pedagogo di professione, da anni si dedica alla psicopittografia ed ha al suo attivo, in 26 anni, oltre 35 mila tele dipinte, nello stile di 110 pittori.
Con una dimostrazione di un'ora e mezza circa, realizzerà dipinti ispirati agli impressionisti (10/20 minuti per tela).
L'opera assistenziale "Maria de Nazaré", da lui fondata e sostenuta con il ricavato della pittura, assiste 75 bambini e oltre 26 famiglie. LINK
Free entry
Nosso Lar
10º CEM - CONGRESSO ESPÍRITA MUNDIAL - Encerramento | Clôture | Clausura | Closing ceremony)

10º CEM - CONGRESSO ESPÍRITA MUNDIAL - Encerramento | Clôture | Clausura | Closing ceremony)

10º CEM - CONGRESSO ESPÍRITA MUNDIAL - Bloco 4 -(Espanhol | Espagnol | Spanish | Español)

10º CEM - CONGRESSO ESPÍRITA MUNDIAL - Bloco 1 (Abertura | Ouverture | Apertura | Opening

Nosso Lar 2. I Messaggeri