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- Libri | FIDES Italia
BOOKS LIBRI BOOKS Canzoni Fumetti Video Libri Please reload Spiritualists Il Seminatore Divaldo Franco - Amelia Rodrigues Il mondo dei puppazzi di carta Andrei Moreira Come nacque Tonino Tia Clau Tonino bimbo biricchino Tia Clau Tonino ragazzo molto felice Tia Clau E per tutta la vita Wallace Rodrigues Other authors recommended Una virtù alla settimana La morte raccontata ai bambini Arcobaleno Sei folletti nel mio cuore Ci vuole un fiore L'orecchio del cuore Verrà un bambino La giornata di Lilli Storia di una lumaca che scoprì... Il tesoro di Risolina La cosa più importante Abbaiare stanca
- Nuovi Gruppi | FIDES Italia
NUOVI GRUPPI NEW STUDY GROUPS If you share an interest in learning about and learning about spirit science and would like to found a new study group in your area or city, please contact us. MEETINGS The study and in-depth meetings are established within the groups themselves and vary in the days of the week and at the times. If you are looking for a group to attend, visit the Groups page. If you are looking for one of the international Federations represented at the CEI, visit the relevant page. GROUP ORIENTATION Groups that are structured to welcome those who want to deepen their knowledge, or that seek help, must form associations. The first step should be to sign the Constitutive Act which certifies when the meetings started, who were the promoters and / or founders, etc. On the download page you will find the models. It is a very simple document to fill out but which constitutes an important historical document for the future of spiritualist philosophy. The study material is vast, even if only a small part has been translated into Italian. Among the editions: Casa del Nazareno, Leal and FEB.
- Gruppi in Italia | FIDES Italia
GRUPPI IN ITALIA Italy from north to south The map of spiritualist groups in Italy We have collected the main information regarding the groups existing on the Italian territory. Some have activities that are open to the public, others are small groups that gather as a family for study, and still others are networked groups, which can only be accessed online. We suggest you contact them directly, to confirm the times and methods of participation. Regione Località Gruppo Whatsapp E-mail Attività Campania ACERRA Giuseppe Moscati Campania SALERNO Paolo Di Tarso +39 388 3047129 online Emilia Romagna BOLOGNA Casa de Francesco +39 331 4678483 tais.salati@gmail.com online/presenza Emilia-Romagna RAVENNA NUSJA nusjoannadeangelis@gmail.com Friuli-Venezia Giulia MONFALCONE Sentiero di Luce Lazio ROMA GRAK Lazio ROMA SKAR +39 339 3495068 Lazio ROMA Rinascita +39 392 4468422 online/presenza Lombardia RODANO Oltre Frontiera Lombardia MILANO Sentieri dello Spirito +39 366 1272227 sds@sentieridellospirito.it online/prensenza Marche FERMO Amore e Carità +39 347 5495448 online Piemonte BIELLA Seme di Luce +39 333 6909002 online/presenza Piemonte TORINO Studio dello Spiritismo +39 320 1791642 Puglia BARI Amore in evoluzione amoreinevoluzione@gmail.com online Toscana LUCCA Donne nel Vangelo +39 339 650 3178 maria.flora578@gmail.com online Toscana FIRENZE Bezerra de Menezes +39 375 6222265 online Trentino TRENTO Scienza dello Spirito +39 339 2723187 gruppo.scienzadellospirito@gmail.com online Veneto VILLAFRANCA Il Focolare dello Spirito +39 339 3602928 online
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- Attività Gruppi | FIDES Italia
Inizio pagina Giovedì Lunedì Sabdo Venerdì Martedì Mercoledì Domenica Attività Gruppi ✍ Nota FIDES: Le attività comunicateci dai gruppi sono a titolo informativo. Contenuti e modalità di studio di ogni gruppo non sono attribuibili alla FIDES, sia questo affiliato oppure no alla Federazione. Tuttavia in caso di segnalazione o qualora si configurassero non in conformità all'etica e alla morale spiritista, le loro comunicazioni verrano sospese. Gruppi Home Torna alla HOME Domenica PAOLO DI TARSO (SALERNO) ONLINE ⏰ 10.30 🇮🇹 Te ma : "Il Vange lo sec ondo lo Spiritismo" Conduce : Leila Bombazar info: +39 388 3047129 Domenica Lunedì Lunedì FIDES Federazione ONLINE ⏰ 20.00/21.00 🇮🇹 T ema: Studio de "Il Libro degli Spiriti" Conducono: Gruppi di stu dio ⏰ 21.00/2 2.00 🇮🇹 🇧🇷 T ema: Studio Serie Psicologica Joanna De Angelis Facilitatori: Gruppi d i stu dio FIDES WhatsApp: +39 366 1272227 SEME DI LUCE (Biella) PRESENZIALE-ONLINE ⏰ 17.00 🇮🇹 Te ma : "Il Vange lo secondo lo Spiritismo" info: +39 333 6909002 L'AMORE IN EVOLUZIONE (Bari) ONLINE ⏰ 21.30/22.30 🇮🇹 Studio: "Opere base della codificazione " Conducono : Dom enico Romanelli e Eliana Dos Santos E-mail: amoreinevoluzione@gmail.com SENTIERI DELLO SPIRITO (Milano) ONLINE ⏰ 20.00/21.00 🇮🇹 Te ma : Pront o Famiglia Facilitatore : Dr.a Adriana Lopes WhatsApp: +39 366 1272227 Martedì SEME DI LUCE (Biella) PRESENZIALE-ONLINE ⏰ 20.40 🇮🇹 Studio : "Il Vange lo secondo lo Spiritismo" info: +39 333 6909002 SCIENZA DELLO SPIRITO (Trento) ONLINE ⏰ 21.00/22.00 🇮🇹 Studio : “Il Vangelo secondo lo Spiritismo" approfondendo con alcune domande de “Il Libro degli Spiriti” E-mail: gruppo.scienzadellospirito@gmail.com BEZERRA DE MENEZES (Firenze) ONLINE ⏰ 21.00/22.00 🇧🇷 Studio : “Il Vangelo secondo lo Spiritismo” Info: +39 375 6222265 Martedì Mercoledì SEME DI LUCE (Biella) PRESENZIALE-ONLINE ⏰ 20.40 🇮🇹 Te ma : “Studio de Il Libro degli Spiriti e Studio Medianità” info +39 333 6909002 AMORE E CARITA' (Fermo) ONLINE ⏰ 21.00 🇮🇹 Tema : S tudio Il Vangelo Secondo lo Spiritismo Facilitatore : Fernanda WhatsApp: +39 347 5495448 L'AMORE IN EVOLUZIONE (Bari) ONLINE ⏰ 21. 3 0/22.30 🇮🇹 Studio: " Opere base della co dificazione " Conducono : Domeni co Romanelli e Eliana Dos S antos E-mail: amoreinevoluzione@gmail.com SENTIERI DELLO SPIRITO (Milano) PRESENZIALE-ONLINE ⏰ 19.30/20.30 🇮🇹 Tema : S tudio e Passe Facilitatore : Gruppo SDS ⏰ 20 .30/21.30 🇮🇹 Tema : Studio "Medianità studio e benedi zione" Facilitatore : Gruppo SDS WhatsApp: +39 366 1272227 Mercoledì Giovedì SEME DI LUCE (Biella) ONLINE ⏰ 20.40 🇮🇹 Studio : Studio de “Il Libro dei Medium” di Allan Kardec e “A caminho da luz” di Xavier/Emmanuel info +39 333 6909002 L'AMORE IN EVOLUZIONE (Bari) ONLINE ⏰ 18.00/18.45 🇮🇹 Lettura : ”Paolo e Stefano”, preghiere e irradiazione Conducono: Domenico Romanelli e Eliana dos Santos E-mail: amoreinevoluzione@gmail.com PAOLO DI TARSO (Salerno) ONLINE ⏰ 20.30 🇮🇹 Tema : “Studio dello Spiritismo” Conduce : Leila Bombazar WhatsApp: +39 388 3047129 PAOLO DI TARSO (Salerno) ONLINE ⏰ 20.30 🇮🇹 Tema : “Studio dello Spiritismo” Conduce : Leila Bombazar ⏰ 20 .30/21.30 🇮🇹 Tema : Studio "Medianità studio e benedizione" Facilitatore : Gruppo SDS WhatsApp: +39 388 3047129 PAOLO DI TARSO (Salerno) ONLINE ⏰ 20.30 🇮🇹 Tema : “Studio dello Spiritismo” Conduce : Leila Bombazar ⏰ 20 .30/21.30 🇮🇹 Tema : Studio "Medianità studio e benedizione" Facilitatore : Gruppo SDS WhatsApp: +39 388 3047129 Giovedì Venerdì L'AMORE IN EVOLUZIONE (Bari) ONLINE ⏰ 21.30/22.00 🇮🇹 Tema: Il Vangelo in casa Conducono: Domenico Romanelli e Eliana Dos S antos E-mail: amoreinevoluzione@gmail.com Venerdì Sabato L'AMORE IN EVOLUZIONE (Bari) ONLINE ⏰ 16.00/17.00 🇮🇹 Studio : “Varie tematiche ” Conducono: D omenico Romanelli e Eliana Dos Santos E-mail: amoreinevoluzione@gmail.com SCIENZA DELLO SPIRITO (Trento) ONLINE ⏰ 15.00/17.00 🇮🇹 Studio : "La Medianità sotto vari aspetti ” WhatsApp: gruppo.scienzadellospirito@gmail.com Sabdo
- L'ARTE nobilita | FIDES Italia
THE ART dignity at the triennial of milan DATE AND TIME Sunday 19th February 2017 15.30 - 20.00 ADDRESS Viale Alemagna 6 You are invited to the Conference"The joy of living" by Rossandro Klinjey and the demonstration di"Painting in real time" by Florencio Anton 19 SUNDAY FEBRUARY The event was born from a collaboration between l'Association Sentieri dello Spirito, Jazz Cafè in Milan and BoMaki Milan. The Sentieri dello Spirito Association is n born in Milan twenty years ago, has cultural and humanitarian purposes, does not have_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb58d_ 136scopo5cf voluntarily research psychic and human evolution paths. Within the of its SOLIDARITY ACTIONS program, since 2002 promotes exhibitions and presentations aimed at maintaining social activities_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136b790_5c5-3194-bb3b-136b790-5 136bad5cf58d_Brazil, in Africa, and in collaboration with different realities of voluntary service in Italy and abroad. WithBoMaki and Jazz Cafè of Milan organizes a unique meeting of its kind:PAINTING IN REAL TIME (Psychoptography), inspired by the Impressionist painters. The program includes a conference on happiness given by the psychologist Rossandro Klinjey e a moment of Painting in real time performed byFlorencio Anton . In the room some canvases by the Brazilian painter will be exhibited. Both Brazilian, will have an interpreter for simultaneous translation. The canvases will be assigned based on the offers of the participants and the proceeds donated to Maria di Nazaré. Admission, upon online booking, is free. Limited seats. mini-jazz Corso Sempione, 8 tel. 02 3360 4039 BoMaki Milano Corso Sempione, 10 tel. 02 3360 3346 Associazione Sentieri dello Spirito Via Niccolò Machiavelli 2 T. 339 2299919 2M Digitech Via Luigi Einaudi 2, Desio InSpeedy Via Luigi Einaudi 2, Desio Program 3.15 pm Accoglienza | Show paintings 3.50 pm Closing entrance | Presentation 4.00 pm Conference - The Joy of Living 5.30 pm Pause with refreshments 18.00 Painting in real time 8.00 pm Conclusion BOOK Reservations are welcome and free . In case of cancellation, please promptly send your cancellation 136bad5cf58d_ This will allow other interested parties to participate. Rossandro Klinjey Campina Grande, Paraiba Rossandro Klinjey è psicologo, docente universitario e apprezzato oratore brasiliano. Nell'ambito della serata presenterà il libro "Il tempo di incontrare se stessi" e terrà una conferenza di un'ora circa sulla “Gioia di Vivere”. Florencio Anton Salvador, Bahia Florencio Anton è Infermiere specializzato in Terapie Palliative e Pedagogo di professione, da anni si dedica alla psicopittografia ed ha al suo attivo, in 26 anni, oltre 35 mila tele dipinte, nello stile di 110 pittori. Con una dimostrazione di un'ora e mezza circa, realizzerà dipinti ispirati agli impressionisti (10/20 minuti per tela). L'opera assistenziale "Maria de Nazaré", da lui fondata e sostenuta con il ricavato della pittura, assiste 75 bambini e oltre 26 famiglie. LINK Please reload painting Free entry Nosso Lar 10º CEM - CONGRESSO ESPÍRITA MUNDIAL - Encerramento | Clôture | Clausura | Closing ceremony) TV CEI International Spiritist Council Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Now Playing 10º CEM - CONGRESSO ESPÍRITA MUNDIAL - Encerramento | Clôture | Clausura | Closing ceremony) 01:29:33 Play Video Now Playing 10º CEM - CONGRESSO ESPÍRITA MUNDIAL - Bloco 4 -(Espanhol | Espagnol | Spanish | Español) 03:11:01 Play Video Now Playing 10º CEM - CONGRESSO ESPÍRITA MUNDIAL - Bloco 1 (Abertura | Ouverture | Apertura | Opening 03:01:16 Play Video Now Playing Nosso Lar 2. I Messaggeri 02:32 Play Video Invitation
- PDF | FIDES Italia
PDF archive Paolo di Tarso Group
- FIDES | FIDES Italia
FIDES COME È NATA La Federazione Spiritista Italiana, FIDES, è nata nel 2003 ma si è resa operativa dalla fine del 2019. Il suo percorso ha radici in Spiritodamore, un'associazione di amici nata nel 2012 durante l'organizzazione di un evento a Milano: Transizione Planetaria , conferenza dell'oratore e medium Divaldo Pereira Franco, uniti da un'ideale comune: la scienza spiritista. Spiritodamore, ne costituisce l'attuale corpo di divulgazione. LA NOSTRA MISSIONE Con sincero Spiritodamore , questo sito vuole essere un contributo in più, per fornire orientamento e supporto ai nuovi gruppi ed ai singoli che condividono l'interesse per lo studio e l'applicazione della conoscenza spiritista.
- Video | FIDES Italia
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- Messaggi psicografati | FIDES Italia
MESSAGES PSYCHOGRAPHED Spirit: Abdias Oliveira / Psychography by: AHS Brasilia, 14/11/2020 / FEB published link: https://www.febnet.org.br/portal/2020/11/19/disputas-e-pacificacao/ Contrasts and pacification There are decisive moments in in which individual conduct is the most important manifestation of our commitment. Nowadays the abundance of information has generated a state of perplexity and discernment struggles to distinguish reality from fiction. The luminous realm of language provides the right elements to describe both reality and to model illusion. There are the facts, the fictions and the choices. The choice to create filters for reason, to distinguish the true from the apparent, characterizes the maturity of the spirit, in order to correct its actions. But it is necessary to recognize that our emotional states simultaneously interfere with our perception, our reasoning and, consequently, our actions. È urgent to take care of the education of one's feeling, to improve the education of thinking . Technical nomenclature negatively defines the influence of the past on the appropriation of the present and on the projection of the future. It happens that our perception limits, difficulties in balancing sensations and misunderstandings in the development of reasoning, constitute distortions that are difficult to detect without the benefit of effective dialogue and constructive interactions. In this chapter of human relations, the technology of peace has been a neglected tool, if not dismissed with bellicose deliberation. And the result is an evil tendency that compromises perceptions, feelings, reasoning and actions. It is necessary to cultivate peace in perceiving, peace in feeling, peace in reasoning and peace in acting! Without attitudes of peace we compromise the present and waste the future. Peace of perception implies goodwill in looking at the facts and a willingness to appreciate reality. Peace of mind means avoiding the bias of judgment influenced by emotional impetus. Peace in reasoning is equivalent to the sincere act of analyzing one's arguments, considering the possibility that they may be inaccurate: as much as those of others deserve to be understood and argued, but never forbidden. Every soul has the right to mature in the times that the Lord has entrusted to it . Peace in action is deciding a behavior that brings together love, justice and charity in all our manifestations, trying to do our best in all circumstances. Understanding the challenges of human communication, it is necessary to learn to diverge without pretending to argue. By diverging, we try to give space to broader reasoning; to appreciate the different aspects of the topics and to allow common growth. By arguing we demand to impose and defeats and exalt victories in a sick accounting in which selfishness and pride prevail, to the detriment of uplifting learning. In these troubled moments in which the anxiety of winning exceeds the price of the humiliation of others, we must maintain the serenity necessary to see the reality of things, seeking peace in our way of being. Faced with the error: peace and correction . Faced with the debate: peace and brotherhood . Facing the challenge: peace and tolerance . Faced with the accusation: peace and work. In the face of persecution: forgiveness and peace . We all go to the school of life, and even when wrong, the Lord offers us the benefit of learning. But we must be sure that, in peace, we will always do better! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Abdias Oliveira (Spirit) Message received from: Paulo E. Translation from Portuguese: Denise Silva Lopes and Emanuela Virga Review: Emanuela Virga and Marina Dellafoglia
- Spiritismo | Federazione Spiritista Italiana
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ALLAN KARDEC The basic works THE ENCODER Allan Kardec, pseudonym of Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail (Lyon, 3 October 1804 - Paris, 31 March 1869), was a French pedagogue and philosopher. After his first studies in Bourg, in 1814 his parents sent him to study in the prestigious pedagogical institute of Jean Henry Pestalozzi in Yverdon, on Lake Neuchatel, in Switzerland. The institute followed the naturalistic principles of the great philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau: young people were educated there without the usual recourse to corporal punishment at that time. In 1818 Lèon graduated brilliantly: in addition to French, he knew English, German and Dutch and had an extraordinary ethical and cultural background. He founded a school in Paris inspired by Pestalozzi's pedagogy. In 1831 he published the fundamental study "What is the study system most in harmony with the needs of the time?", Thanks to which he obtained the Prize of the Royal Academy of Arras. He devoted himself to pedagogy until 1848, when he began to study Spiritism. His full conversion, however, took place only between 1854 and 1855. The first mediumistic experiences observed by Denizard occurred on an unspecified evening in May 1855 in Madame Plainemaison's Parisian home. Thus he decided to rationally study the laws governing spiritualist phenomena. On March 25, 1856, after months of indefatigable study, he had collected much of the material that will make up the Book of Spirits, thus becoming the coder of those phenomena. A little over a month later, on April 30, he learned of his mission from the medium Aline C. He chose the pseudonym of Allan Kardec for the mysterious ties that bound him to previous lives, but above all for not mixing his work as a teacher with his work as a spiritualist coder. With extraordinary passion he wrote the Book of Spirits, published in April 1857: it contained 501 questions, printed on a double column, one for the questions, the other for the answers of the Spirits. From 1857 to 1869 he devoted himself completely to the Science of the Spirit: in April 1858 he founded the Parisian Society for Spiritualist Studies and, shortly after, the Spiritist Magazine. In time, he formed a powerful system of correspondence with different countries, traveling and giving conferences to stimulate the formation of new centers and to complete his mission as a coder. He published four other books, which together with the Book of Spirits form the so-called Kardequian Pentateuch: Book of Medium (1861); The Gospel according to Spiritism (1864); Heaven and Hell (1865); Genesis (1868). In the midst of activity, when he was not yet 65, Kardec disembodied on March 31, 1869, due to a cerebral aneurysm. Source: http://www.macrolibrarsi.it/autori/_allan_kardec.php